Sunday, November 28, 2010

3 Artists with Color Schemes and Word Lists

Banksy:Stencilly, progressive, anti-government, Britsh, humorous, graffiti, quick, simple, silk-screen, child-like, rats, hipster-culture, underground, street-art, compelling, quirky, likeable, non-threatening, popular

H.R. GIGER: Methodical, nauseating, Grotesque, goth, disturbing, surreal, unnatural, mechanical, organic, bony, vertabral, desolate, inhuman, bizarre, dark, post-apocalyptic, monochromatic, quiet, bio-mechanical, futuristic, alien, imposing, smooth,

R. Steadman: Splattery, playful, intense, monstrous, dynamic, shifting, crazy, embellished, chaotic, insane, messy, Hallucinogenic, trippy, surreal, demonic, counter-culture,

Final 3 Artists For Illuminated Letter

Get ready for some drama:

A surprise candidate was just announced to take one of the only three spots. Da Da dummmmmm.

I'm pleased to suggest H. R. Giger (The Guy That Draws the Aliens). He's crazy, he's
Swiss, he's an artist.

Also, we have Banksy sticking around. That's gonna be real interesting.

And lastly and leastly Ralph Steadman (The Hunter Thompson Guy).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Typography - Getting Close to Finished

I have a few changes planned for these posters and after those changes have been made I'll be almost done entirely, save for printing and mounting and delivering and stuff.

You might not be able to read very much from the posters but the gist is the typeface (Rotis Sans) and the creator of the font (Otl Aicher). The poster regarding the font points out various important characteristics that define the font. The poster regarding the person has about 500 words over his life and about 500 over the history of the previously mentioned font. The characteristic poster also has some German to it, because the designer was himself a German.

The final product will be 22 x 34'' - each

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Ascent

I finally got "The Ascent" downloaded and watched that. It was very interesting and while "interesting" is a very generic word I still think it was that. When you look at it through the Soviet propaganda perspective it makes a lot of sense because of the themes of loyalty to the Motherland and the pain that traitors must suffer for their weaknesses.

I was a bit disappointed because I thought the movie would have a broader scope than that (probably because I am used to American movies, like "Enemy At The Gates") but because this movie works on a smaller scale it is able to provide a more in depth analysis of those topics.

I'm still seeding the movie and it seems like people are downloading it, so maybe some of my classmates are going my route.

So far I have checked out "Badlands", "Playtime", and "The Ascent" but on Sunday I might check out the other two. I guess today is Sunday.

"Playtime" was pretty unappealing as a movie, actually. Although, there seems to be good design potentials here.

Also I am posting an image of some clouds I made to go on my video, at the end actually. So I will be finishing that up today also. They are scary clouds.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Badlands Down, Four More To Go

Watching movies takes time. I have to fit in my schedule which is full of me watching other stuff. I've got "Badlands" done, but I'm still way behind on watching these movies. I think I can knock out "Playtime" tonight and maybe one or two tomorrow. Finding "the Ascent" hasn't been easy and I forgot to order it on Netflix. Anyway, I think I can find it on the InterOMG THE FBI!!!11!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Weather Demo (Rough Draft)

This is the first draft with motion for my Weather Video. This is from last week and many new changes are already on the way.

You can also see the movie on Youtube.