Sunday, April 10, 2011

BLOG # 9

GOOD IS getting to know things without being stupid and hurting the world around you. How can this relate to type? Well, basically, the thing about design being there and doing what needs done and not caving to typographic stereotypes. What good is that going to do? Good question, we're going to change the world by the qualities of good type: Efficient, Accessible, Informative, Regulated und sofort. Why can't we do this elsewhere? Because type lives in a world of its own, we can make typography anything we want with a keystroke but we can't save the starving children of Uganda by pressing the "*" key. But what we can do with typography is immobilize the lethargic and categorize the misdeeds of the upper class in a stylish and provocative manner. What can type do to manufacture kindness? Nothing, really, but what can prayer do to cure disease? The same. So the what we can do is the power of positive thinking. What can be done here can be done there and what can't be done at all can be done tomorrow. Throw the disbelievers into the fire of our steam engines and full speed ahead.

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