Monday, April 4, 2011

Journal STUFF

What Font Could Be Better Than Futura?

As san serif fonts go, Futura is rather remarkable in its adaptability and sleekness. I would probably suggest something safe like Gotham because its generally good and in a few ways could be better than Futura. Its newer yet still retains a nice traditional style that lends it a sense of credibility.

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Typeface

What do we do in a world with a million typefaces? It's astonishing that we have done this to ourselves. Having to pick from this cacophony of typeface is a job in itself. We can simplify this process a bit by using a system to help pick out our fonts and help ensure our survival in a world with more fonts than projects. What follows from there is a list of different decision techniques. Some of them are good and some are less than helpful: But the point Michael Beirut makes is something with which I can completely relate.

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